
Have any questions? Get in touch!

PHONE +371 27 00 66 28*
EMAIL hello@sammartingroup.com
SALES TEAM sales@sammartingroup.com
SUPPORT support@sammartingroup.com
WORKING HOURS Monday - Friday : 10 am - 5 pm

(*) We inform you that, to ensure the quality of our services and improve the customer experience, phone conversations with our support team may be recorded. These recordings are used solely for internal purposes and are not disclosed to third parties, except as required by law. By continuing the conversation, you consent to the recording. If you prefer your conversation not be recorded, please contact us via email

(LV) Informējam, ka, lai nodrošinātu mūsu pakalpojumu kvalitāti un uzlabotu klientu pieredzi, telefona sarunas ar mūsu komandu var tikt ierakstītas. Šie ieraksti tiek izmantoti tikai iekšējiem mērķiem un netiek izpausti trešajām personām, izņemot gadījumus, kad to nosaka likums. Turpinot sarunu, jūs piekrītat ierakstam. Ja vēlaties, lai jūsu saruna netiktu ierakstīta, lūdzam sazināties ar mums pa e-pastu: support@sammartingroup.com.

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